CoachNme CoachNu

Your Personal

Fitness Trainer

in Atlanta and


Looking for a personal fitness trainer in Atlanta or virtually?

CoachNme CoachNu can help with your fitness goals.

The Art of Stretchology

One important part of staying in shape that is often overlooked is good stretches. Stretching can help keep muscles, joints, and connecting tissues strong and healthy. I see the value of stretching when added to a workout and also as an exercise in itself. I specialize in stretchology — the belief that we all need to practice an array of stretches so that our whole body gets engaged and challenged physically and mentally.

Benefits of Stretching

Stretching can help your body and mind feel better.  Incorporating stretching into your workout with CoachNme CoachNu’s stretchology techniques can benefit you in many ways.

Stretching will:

Help improve your flexibility and range of motion
Reduce soreness after exercising
Improve athletic performance
Protect you from future injuries
Build stamina in everyday activities
Create blood circulation
Reduce both physical and mental tension
Help alleviate lower back pain
Increase muscle efficiency
Improve muscle spasms, sciatica, and fatigue
Help alleviate pain associated with arthritis, hip imbalance, and many more

While stretching, don’t forget to BREATHE! When you’re in a relaxed state of mind, your stretchologist will be able to help you achieve a better stretch during your exhale. Using this practice properly, over time you’ll be able to move your joints effectively through a greater range of motion. It’s hard to find a personal fitness trainer that incorporates this technique into every workout. Clients can expect undivided attention towards personal stretches in every workout routine. Expect to feel tension with each stretch, but not pain.

About Me
Hi, I’m Jerome Walker, a personal fitness trainer in Atlanta and founder of CoachNme CoachNu. Whether you’re looking for a trainer in Atlanta or online, I can help you achieve your fitness goals. Throughout my athletic journey of playing, training,coaching, and mentoring, I realized the benefits of being in shape. I made it my mission to help others get fit and lead happier, healthier lives. Learn more about my background and what led me to become a personal trainer.

Virtual Personal Fitness Trainer

Sometimes it doesn’t work out with your schedule to come to the gym. Instead of missing sessions and hindering your workout process, you can do online sessions with CoachNme CoachNu. An online personal fitness trainer is also a great option if you live outside of the Atlanta area.

See Our Services for prices and more information about how to hire a personal fitness trainer for virtual classes or how to begin in-person sessions with CoachNme CoachNu, your best personal fitness trainer in Atlanta! Feel free to Contact Us with any questions about stretchology and your personal fitness goals. We look forward to speaking with you!